Photo by Александар Цветановић
Importance of Sleep;
Regulation of glucose levels & replenishment of glycogen stores
Restoration of white blood cells
Focus on anabolic processes of metabolism (building process)
Tissue maintenance, repair, growth
Production of hormones & neurotransmitters
Max secretion of growth hormone, prolactin, testosterone, & thyroid stimulating hormone
Rest and rejuvenation of musculoskeletal structures
Central nervous system maintenance
Protein synthesis
Clean up redundant synapses
Organization/update of working memory (mental desk)
Deep sleep consolidates declarative memory (facts)
REM consolidates procedural memory (skills, implicit knowledge)
Emotional restoration & processing
Learning & brain development
REM increases in circumstances of skill learning
Effects of Poor Sleep;
Promotes weight gain, changes usual appetite/ thurst urges
An increase in susceptibility to heart disease, heart conduction abnormalities, hypertension
Impaired immunity
Impaired tissue health & tissue repair - higher likelihood of injury
Thermoregulatory abnormalities
Promotes digestive disorders
Impairs stress management/ coping & sociability
Has a chicken & egg relationship w/ anxiety & depression
Intensifies/ prolongs pain & other symptoms, increases symptom distress (suffering)
Impairs recovery from illness & management of chronic conditions
Disordered memory & learning
increases incidence of poor judgment, moral lapses, social dysfunction, promotes distance & dysfunction in relationships
increases the incidence of accidents – work & driving
Can impair fetal growth & development
Promotes sleep disorders
Recommendations for Good Sleep;
The room should be distraction-free – pets, television, study
Comfortable sleeping temperature & noise level
Use fan/ white noise as needed
Established bed & wakening time
Wind down time should begin 60-90min before the designated bedtime
If TV is a part of this, it can’t be stimulating content – news
Be mindful of backlighting (blue light)
Writing down cares/ worries from the day
Deep breathing exercises
Avoid caffeine, nicotine, alcohol
They act as central nervous system depressors but have a wakening effect later in the night
Physical exertion within 2h before bed
Avoid daytime naps
No food within ~2h before sleep
The food needs to be in the intestines, not the stomach so the blood can be in other places
Avoid clock watching
Don’t stay in your room while having an emotional reaction
Mattress & Pillows
New mattress every 5-10 years
New pillow every 6 months
Linens should be washed/ changed every 2 weeks and pillows should be washed every 3 weeks
Posture matters - type of mattress & pillow used, sleep position
back sleeper - small pillow under knees
side sleeper - pillow between knees/ankles, thin towel roll between the bottom of ribs and top of hips for those with wider hips
40min of strong light exposure after wakening